Thulani DeMarsay, PhD
I had the pleasure of interviewing Thulani DeMarsay, PhD, for my podcast Hot Mama Chronicles. She is a true light and thought leader in the health and wellness space. She talked about her path to starting her practice, which was not so linear. She shared how her career was organic and broadening her horizons based on what she heard and observed from her clientele.

What I learned about Thulani is that she listened to her customers and was deeply watching for how she could be in service to her clients. She shared the importance of having clarity of vision in talking about taking stock of her life and how she came out of her own personal struggles to better health. She talked about purpose and that everyone has a calling on their life. She talks about purpose being seasoned and that a person has to grow into their purpose.
Thulani talked about the impact of mentoring on her life and her focus on contemplative leadership and how it has helped leaders in creating cultures that help people to thrive and have compassion. Part of what spoke to me about the interview is her intention about living by the words of Einstein, who said “there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” She talks about finding something to be in awe of and to have wonder. I was deeply honored to have her on the show. You can reach her at Thulani.Com. #hotmamachronicles #blackgirlmagic